Thursday, April 10, 2008

A wewyeweyewey~ challenge!

New game comin' out in a couple weeks: The World Ends with You, or wewy for short. It's super megas awesome~ Like, like, you control TWO characters in your battleage. One for each screen! It looks crazy... CRAZY AWESOME :O If you haven't noticed I'm excited :F Also, you gots all these outfits and stuff... and use pins to fight people! It's Kingdom Hearts-y (duh, Square) but also something about it kinda reminded me of Jet Grind Radio... I just get that feeling! And I love it...

The only teensy tiny thing that's kinda weirding me out is... It's just you can buy gold chains with various diamond-encrusted word attachments at stores. >.>; And it says bling every time you pick up the items in battle... Of course, I can just not buy the gold chains and I doubt I'll pay much attention to battle-words... but I'm just saaaayiiiiing~

Anywheys~ They've also got a contest thingie up on Deviantart 'til the release date.
This is the intro site. It's got environmental concept art to get you started :O And here is where you get all the lovely rules. And, finally, here is where you can lookit the submissions they've already got. Phew! I'm tired now :F
(<3 DS fanboy)

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