Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Catchup Pt. 4

Ok, so The World Ends with You is the best and worst thing ever. It's so insanely involved and everything... and the fighting is extremely fun! On the other hand, you have to turn the game off if you want the best attacks and fight harmless but frustrating pigs for special drops... and while I thought the whole wannabe gangsta thing was a minor part in this, 'tis the opposite. Major! Main two themes are gangsta and emo. Not a great mix. Maybe I'll rant on about it later but there's ALSO this horrible little minigame called Tin Pin Slammer. In the main game you have pins representing your attacks... but they're used for this game too? Pretty much you want to knock the other person's pin off the tiny map using specials like a hammer to stun them beforehand. Problem is, you end up flying off yourself most of the time and in the first match, the opponent has much more life than you. ><
I swear...So frustrating. Blitzball on the DS.


Thank you Square-Enix for destroying my soul.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget how every single aspect of the game involves ten different aspects. Hell, you can't buy a burger without worrying about ten different stat issues.

Also, Blitzball is still lame.