Saturday, April 5, 2008

Best Umbrella Evar

I'd been poking fun at PMS Peach for the longest time but last week I broke down and bought it. With Viva Pinata >.>; Quick summary! Bowser's taken over using the Vibe Scepter (>.> *snicker*) which makes everyone's emotions go crazy! Peach was out so it's her turn to save Mario with her special feelings and a magic umbrella.


Actually, everyone else I've talked to had the same response: it's actually pretty good. And it is. Surprise! Plays like Kirby a bit... and I LOVE me some Kirby *0*

Her arsenal includes~ joy (makes a tornado and lets her fly), anger (she catches on fire and stomps), sorrow (she runs really fast and cries. her tears make plants grow >.>), and happy (regains health over time). When you use the emotions, it takes up SP or some magical equivalent :P You can get more from finding magic gemstones OR from picking up enemies and letting your umbrella eat them. It's awesome 'cos the size of the enemy doesn't matter at all!

Holy shit is right!

I haven't beaten it yet. I'm in the spooky mansion place :F (Gamespot for images <3)


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