Still bleh... 'cos I've got a lot to work on and Adobe Acrobat is being a buttface >( And now I'm sleepy. And hungry. :P 'Course it's not nearly as bad as yesterday since I'm actually writing something... But yeah~ I'm so stressed... I wouldn't even notice a surprise mini robo-suplex if it happened right next to me...
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Uh~ Kinda still... =\
Friday, March 21, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
So! My gramma's been in town and we go have dinner with her... Tonight she had a friend with her. She was like THE funniest old lady I've ever met... 'sides my gramma of course :P I really had a lot of fun... which sounds kinda weird. lol So... I guess I'm just hangin' with the old-heads now.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Ok! So, as you can see, I kinda sorta got some of th' code working... THEREFORE I WIN! hence the title :D *does a little dance~* And yesterday my family went to Red Lobster. (zomg cheddar bay biscuits XD) But, I decided to draw a lobster while I was waiting since I thought I should be doing more stuff from life. You know, they always have them in the tanks... (Well, if you didn't know, they have a bunch of lobsters in tanks so you can go pick out th' one you want to eat)

Annie Chuns

I buy this religiously from good ole' WalMart and am in fact eating some right now! :3 So delicious. I tend to stock up whenever I buy some. I was all wandering through walmart holding seven of those things, all stacked in my arms so I could barely see over them x__x But it was worth it.
They're so great cause you steam the rice for only two minutes in the microwave, then take it out and you can wrap whatever you want in the little rolls. The nori comes precut so it rolls up into perfect little bite size rolls ;3 I either put kanichama and cream cheese in mine, or just eat it the rice and nori how they are. Soooo good! While looking up sushi images, I found this little bento someone had prepared for their daughter online and thought it was super cute. They had made the rice into a little usagi, so of course I loved it. Maybe one day I'll have a rice mold *___*
I highly suggest you try these Annie Chun meals because she knows what she's doing!! :3
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
:O Patties!
Happy Pat-Pat day!!

I made chocolate chip cupcakes with green frosting to celebrate todays event ^__^ They're mini-cupcakes! And everybody has already eaten up most of them before I was able to get my picture, but I took one really fast before they ate them all up. The icing is this icing called " dots" or something, and its so friggin good and has these little dots in them that are just delicious. Though the picture looks a little funky cause the dots are like, " Wth" lolz. But its SOOOO good. When I went to take the picture it smelled so good I almost ate another. Don't judge >>

Sunday, March 16, 2008
Blaaaaa... Working with this code is harder than I thought~ *whines*
(Picture from Google. Looks crazy yummae' x__x)