Saturday, April 19, 2008

So I wanted to talk about King Kong...

Despite having owned the movie since it was released, I just now got around to seeing it, and I think I missed the first hour anyway. It was on TV, and I wandered in right at the point where they landed on the island. I have to admit, I was amused. So lets get started.

Firstly, these guys cracked me up. They were all, "YOU CANT CATCH ME SUCKAH!" and would just start smashing skulls man. Little kid was all *points* " you're screwed." Of course he said it with his eyes, which jack black thought meant he wanted the snickers bar or whatever that was in his pocket. (click the image for a bigger view)

Then, what was with EVERY creature on that island wantin' that lady. I mean, seriously, wth. Yeah she's blonde and skinny but what the hell, there was even a scene where this T-Rex was all tangled in a vine and lookin' at her like, " ....hellllooooo." *Swings her way*
Even King Kong was all ooga ooga over her. I mean, here, look: Soooooomebodys got his attention. I kind of like my own personal monologue better though. In my mind she's all, " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" in that super high pitch scream she does, and he's all, " Bitch, will you shut the fuck up for just one moment please. I am trying to make an entrance--" At which point she is shamed and speaks no more for the rest of the movie.
Here are some more pictures I found worth while:
You do end up feeling bad for him towards the end though cause you're just all, " awww....big ape loves the silly bit." Theres even what would be considered a romance scene between her and the ape, where he is more or less flirting and playing and rolling in the snow, and she's all " Tee hee" and just basically giggling like a little school girl. It's all fine and well until, ya know, the army shows up and fires a bomb at his ass. That usually ruins a good first date, no matter what species.

There was also another good scene where he was bustin' up NYC and was lookin' for the girl ("Beauty") and was pickin up every blonde chick he saw, checkin to see if it was her, then was just all *chunks* lolz. Yeah, good stuff :3

Buttttttttttttt so yeah, this bit right here is the reason he goes through so much pain and suffering to all you animal rights activist out there. Or, if you just dont like blondes. Here you go. Direct your hate, here:
Besides that, I just found these other pictures below to be fairly amusing.
ORBITZ clean a dirty mouth :3

Wedding Cake Designs

After a little bit of searching, I found these amazing wedding cakes. I want to say " screw the diet!" and dive through the screen and eat them :3 Thank God for the real world.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Gauntlet Forevers! <3

Zomg. Gauntlet DS. With Wifi multiplayer! *spaz* I remember playing it ALL the time in the arcades. Not familiar with Gauntlet? It's deliciously old school. You run around killing monsters, and there's the infamous (invisible) food-o-meter independent of your health. WHICH WAS ALWAYS HUNGRY! It was like they were high or something XD On top of that, food was scarce and when the meter ran out you died. MOAR QUARTERS PLZ. Pretty much the announcer was continuously saying (in his deep boomy voice) "Green Archer needs food badly" or whoever it was that hadn't fed the machine recently. Anyway, besides that much fun and good memories!

I've decided to use this game as a good way to introduce some friends since it's multiplayer! Presenting Octorox. (Y'know, like the octorocs in Zelda? You can't see his octo-hat too well in this doodle but I guarantee it shoots boulders.)

He knows Bunni but they haven't seen each other in a while. He's always that laid back too.

Double presenting Sir Barkington!I haven't seen him in a while either.

Octorox is the 360 buddy I've been talking about. Expect him to cameo often.Well, now I'm gonna get ready for Forbidden Kingdom <3 I am prepared for epicness.


Thursday, April 17, 2008


I haven't posted on this site in a while, and I admit, the slacking is simply...unforgiveable! *dramatic pose, dainty wrists, slight tear*

But at the same time, so goes life.

I've been having SO many problems getting to my 8 am class that I want to scream about random things, but will hold back for the sake of everyone's virgin ears.

in other news, I have been posting simi regularly on my own personal site:

I've been posting on there because the stuff is irrelevant to the site here, otherwise I would've posted on this one ;]

But take a look, and let me know what you think!


I don't have toooo much to say today... so here's the most awesomest gif you'll ever see:

XD It's my first one. And more complicated than I thought it would be.

u.u You do better and teach me how. Then you can judge.

I'm going to see a comedian tonight, Kyle Cease :) He's random and I like him. And tomorrow I'll try to get something up for robo-suplex.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Rondo of Questionable Value

(Had to do the obligatory parody title)

Ok, so Rondo of Swords came out yesterday... and I'm itching to play something but WEWY comes out next week! It's an anime turn-based strategy thing... I'm not exactly so big on those but I did love SNES Ogre Battle. I couldn't quite get into FF Tactics, though... for some reason... but I'm willing to give it another try as soon as I get Windows up. Go-go gadget emulator!

I just d'no though! It's getting really good reviews... and it's got a new spin on the strategy thing: you have to mark a path through the enemies to attack. And it zooms in to show you the attacks but I think DS Fanboy has it right: you'll end up skipping the cutscenes after the third or fourth time. Still...
Decisions, decisions...

Oh, well. I think I'll just stick to the Tactis/ROM approach for now. Would like to keep my monies in my pockets for today.

Also, having curry tonight! *0* I wish delicious foods upon you as well.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Ok, Mr. Sunshine!

Right, so by "'til Monday" I totally meant ''til next week" or something. And by next week I meant today? Thing is, I've got some doodles drawn... but I'll keep you guys tumbling through your avalanche of thrills... I'm just trying to get everything back on track. And so, here's some happy music with happy Engrish we can all enjoy. Because We <3 Katamari.

(Katamari on the Swing, Shigeru Matsuzaki)

By the way, DS Fanboy just made me giggle (gamerly pwnment stuffs).


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Get Creative ~.^

Hi Guys!

I have a small proposal to make. Who is interested in joining me on an artistic experiment? I want to get together a small group of creative individuals and mail around a book until the book is full, or it comes full circle. The objective is that each individual has a week to do WHATEVER they want inside of the book as long as its creative. Lyrics, drawings, stories, pictures, collages, whatever, as long as it remains creative. The goal is to create just a giant collage of artistic talent so that it becomes a fantastic mixture from all over :3

I've done this once before and it was amazing until somebody lost the book, so if you volunteer for this, you have GOT to be reliable and get the book out on time to the next person. Money and effort gets put into this book and it's extremely frustrating to have someone just go, " whoops."

But yes, any takers? Let me know :3

