Despite having owned the movie since it was released, I just now got around to seeing it, and I think I missed the first hour anyway. It was on TV, and I wandered in right at the point where they landed on the island. I have to admit, I was amused. So lets get started.

Then, what was with EVERY creature on that island wantin' that lady. I mean, seriously, wth. Yeah she's blonde and skinny but what the hell, there was even a scene where this T-Rex was all tangled in a vine and lookin' at her like, " ....hellllooooo." *Swings her way*
Even King Kong was all ooga ooga over her. I mean, here, look:
Soooooomebodys got his attention. I kind of like my own personal monologue better though. In my mind she's all, " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" in that super high pitch scream she does, and he's all, " Bitch, will you shut the fuck up for just one moment please. I am trying to make an entrance--" At which point she is shamed and speaks no more for the rest of the movie.

You do end up feeling bad for him towards the end though cause you're just all, " awww....big ape loves the silly bit." Theres even what would be considered a romance scene between her and the ape, where he is more or less flirting and playing and rolling in the snow, and she's all " Tee hee" and just basically giggling like a little school girl. It's all fine and well until, ya know, the army shows up and fires a bomb at his ass. That usually ruins a good first date, no matter what species.
There was also another good scene where he was bustin' up NYC and was lookin' for the girl ("Beauty") and was pickin up every blonde chick he saw, checkin to see if it was her, then was just all *chunks* lolz. Yeah, good stuff :3
Buttttttttttttt so yeah, this bit right here is the reason he goes through so much pain and suffering to all you animal rights activist out there. Or, if you just dont like blondes. Here you go. Direct your hate, here:

Besides that, I just found these other pictures below to be fairly amusing.

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