Hello Everybody!
Its Saint Patricks Day! Yay!!
Hope everybody is full of the irish cheer today =P
I made chocolate chip cupcakes with green frosting to celebrate todays event ^__^ They're mini-cupcakes! And everybody has already eaten up most of them before I was able to get my picture, but I took one really fast before they ate them all up. The icing is this icing called " dots" or something, and its so friggin good and has these little dots in them that are just delicious. Though the picture looks a little funky cause the dots are like, " Wth" lolz. But its SOOOO good. When I went to take the picture it smelled so good I almost ate another. Don't judge >>
I made chocolate chip cupcakes with green frosting to celebrate todays event ^__^ They're mini-cupcakes! And everybody has already eaten up most of them before I was able to get my picture, but I took one really fast before they ate them all up. The icing is this icing called " dots" or something, and its so friggin good and has these little dots in them that are just delicious. Though the picture looks a little funky cause the dots are like, " Wth" lolz. But its SOOOO good. When I went to take the picture it smelled so good I almost ate another. Don't judge >>

But yeah, i'm all dressed up in my green Ireland shirt, have all my shamrock earrings in! ( Which amounts to six) and am wearing my green knee highs :3 I look so cute!! yaaaayyy!
Love you guys! Hope your Saint Patricks is amazing~
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