Ok! So, as you can see, I kinda sorta got some of th' code working... THEREFORE I WIN! hence the title :D *does a little dance~* And yesterday my family went to Red Lobster. (zomg cheddar bay biscuits XD) But, I decided to draw a lobster while I was waiting since I thought I should be doing more stuff from life. You know, they always have them in the tanks... (Well, if you didn't know, they have a bunch of lobsters in tanks so you can go pick out th' one you want to eat)

LOBSTERS ARE FUCKING CREEPY!!!!!! I've got a phobia of bugs... Didn't quite realize I did 'til recently when I had to kill one XD It had been a while! BUT. Lobsters are... just... big ass bugs. WITH CLAWS. *dies at the thought of it* Ahhh~~~~ x.x;
But back to my winning. I woke up this morning and I could sing! And now I have a brownie! ... *munches while eyeing Bunni's post* Hmm... Gotta get me one o'dem sushi thingers... WHICH REMINDS ME! I've got a buncha stuff to make bentos :F I did research on it and bought all this megas cute stuff~ but never followed through >.> Um... shmebbies now that I've got a partner in cooking, we might actually be able to turn something out :F I'm kinda clumsy though so I d'no.... I always wreck the entire kitchen, flour and stuff everywhere.. but it turns out alright in the end :) More on that in a later cooking post. Look forward to it!
Watch out for lobsters! T_T They'll get you when you least expect it. The big ones too!
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