So! My gramma's been in town and we go have dinner with her... Tonight she had a friend with her. She was like THE funniest old lady I've ever met... 'sides my gramma of course :P I really had a lot of fun... which sounds kinda weird. lol So... I guess I'm just hangin' with the old-heads now.
'Cept Otokitchi. *hate* =.= You see, I bought a tamagotchi recently (DON'T JUDGE) and this version can have babies if you either have a friend nearby or figure out when the game will do it for you. Matchmaker comes at certain times. I knew that. I was waiting. Then Pooette (the tama) turned old >.>; No more matchmaker. Just old! That's it! Nobody wants old people sex! Can't even play games with her! She's just gonna die. Alone. With no legacy.

*presses reset* =.=
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