So, about that Ninja Gaiden doodle I promised... I'm so late with it, I did two to make it up :P
I actually... I loved the game at first but it got annoying (sound familiar?) so I don't like it anymore >.>; Spells were AWESOME but I didn't have the patience to deal with the clingy monsters. I don't know if there's anything I hate more than enemies who hump you to death >< Also, a lot of this happened.
It was weird though... Sexy no-face was weird too, but I'm talking about the use of the microphone. :P They have it so you're supposed to shout when you hear a specific noise... I forgot the what the noise was so let's say it was "wak." You hear "wak" and you shout, then a swooshy enemy comes out. If you kill it you get a bamboo tablet. I d'no what good those were... but prolly not much.
At least I got an awesome stylus! (DS Fanboy~ <3)
Alright that shit made even me laugh.
I vote we do that. Whenever we want to earn bonus points for the day,just friggin yell randomly all, " AHHHHH"
All in favor say aye! Aye!
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