Monday, April 7, 2008

And in this corner!

Oh! I just found this website through Stumble... which I'm totally addicted to now >.>;;;; *scratches neck slightly*

The Box Doodle Project

I always love it when people make stuff out of random stuff you wouldn't really think to make stuff out of *^^*

Anywheys, the part I'm all *glee* about is the doodle box online thingie. 'Cos my heavens, where will I ever get the energy to find a box and markers? *fans self* Nowhere, that's where.

So I~ made~:
A luchadore! With a manly hairy chest. He has TWO championship belts because he had to earn one for each set of arms. Otherwise it wouldn't be fair u.u;

It was kinda tough to get the hang of... 'specially cos you can't erase but also the "pens" have a low opacity so it layers the colors, like real markers. But once you embrace this, it's fun.

You should doodle too!

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